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This article has been provided by our very own:
Greg Hyatt


Created by: Greg Hyatt

There are so many things and people we should be thankful for this year.

First and foremost, is the love and provisions that Jesus provides to us each and every day.

Moving beyond that, obviously we need to be thankful for family, friends, and a whole host of things that we have in our lives that make daily living even possible.

However, many of us take the very simple things in our life for granted.

I mean let’s think about it for just a moment. How many of us have working vehicle’s (usually multiple within families.) A roof over our heads, an abundance of food, heat and AC when needed.

I mean I could probably spend the rest of time just trying to list the things that each and every one of us need to remember to be thankful for.

Showing Your Thankfulness

Now here’s where it starts to get ugly. We know we have a great deal to be thankful for, yet we don’t spend anywhere close to the amount of time that we should on our knees giving thanks to the One who has provided these things to each of us.

If you’re not sure where to begin, I encourage you to turn on the national news and just watch. We could very well find ourselves in the same position as Ukraine or other war torn regions.

Worse yet, we could live in a region where merely uttering the name of Jesus could find yourself getting beheaded.

Or what about the fact that we as a collective body of believers have an amazing pastor. We have a great team of Deacon’s, and a whole host of other people who ensure that we as a ministry can continue to deliver the word of God to a dying and hurting community and around the world.

Preparing Your Heart

It’s super imperative that each of us prepare our hearts to be thankful.

It needs to be done with purpose and intent.

More importantly, it needs to be done without anything else being on your mind. You need to go to the alter with a fresh mind and nothing on your mind.

Imagine giving thanks without asking for anything in return.

It is so refreshing.

This year, let’s all examine how to be more thankful for those around us and the many blessings that we continue to receive on a daily basis.


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