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expanding our virtual horizons

Expanding Our Virtual Horizon’s

Created by: Greg Hyatt
Submitted on: January 30, 2021

As many of you are very well aware of, CMBC has been able to provide both our CMBC family members, as well as our visitors, with the ability to catch us online via live stream or through our audio messages that can be listened to upon a variety of podcasting applications.

Needless to say, it has caused the tech team to learn a lot and overcome a lot of obstacles in a very short amount of time.

While we are still nowhere close to the level of proficiency that we desire, we take every measure and step necessary to ensure that we are moving forward in the right direction.

What’s Next On The Virtual Horizon

So many of you have seen and interacted with us on our Facebook page when we are live. After each live stream, we then upload to YouTube. However, with the next couple of weeks, we will be able to livestream to both platforms simultaneously. Thus opening even more doors for people to join in with us who might not have been able to up to this point in time since they may not have a Facebook account.

In addition, we now have two televisions in our nursery facilities. This means that those who are working in those areas will now have the ability to watch the service without having to sacrifice due to the careless giving to ensure that our little ones are being blessed and protected.

Future Needs

Needless to say, as we started in the virtual streaming world, we started at the very low-end of technology and equipment. However, with our numbers growing with each broadcast, we are now looking to increase the power of the equipment we are utilizing.

One of the greatest needs is for a upgraded Digital DSLR camera, preferably a Sony, which will allows us to deliver a much clearer and sharper image. In addition, we will be looking into creative was to provide additional lighting on the stage that we need to balance out what people are seeing via our livestreams.

It’s A Project Of Love

Folks, I certainly hope that you don’t take anyone on the tech team for granted. When I say that it is a “labor of love,” I probably and way understating that. The amount of hours that it takes the entire team to put together all the moving pieces for each Sunday is a process unto itself.

Our goal is to ensure that your worship service experience is both appealing and delivers the messages that we are trying to communicate both effective and clearly.

We look forward to seeing where we go from this point moving forward and how much further we can reach for the Kingdom of God. Join in supporting your tech team at CMBC.


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Times & Location

Sunday's Schedule
Adult Sunday School | 9:45 AM
Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:45 AM
College & Careers | 9:45 AM
Teen Fusion | 9:45 AM
Morning Worship | 10:45 AM
Eve Bible Study | 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening
Kid's Bible Club | 6:00 PM
Teen Fusion Youth | 6:30 PM
College & Careers | 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study | 6:30 PM
Times and Location