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keeping up with technology.

Keeping Up With Technology

Created by: Greg Hyatt
Submitted on: November 16, 2021

If you didn’t know, keeping up with technology is a highly important function in the modern world in which we live.

This couldn’t be any more true than it is today. With more and more churches finding themselves in a new world and how they deliver the ministry content, keeping up with technology plays a large role in being effectively able to perform those functions.

Furthermore, as new things become available to us, it is our job as your tech team to ensure that we are able to meet those demands and quickly changing processes that we use on a regular basis here at CMBC.

What Are Some Areas We Are Focusing On?

Well, I am certainly glad that you asked. For those who didn’t know, our current sound board that we are using is now seven years old. I know, it’s hard to believe that it has been that long, but it is factual.

If there is one thing that is vital to any for of digital audio, it is ensuring that is able to be delivered in the purest form available both in the front-of-house, as well as across the digital playing fields.

We will be looking into upgrading our mixing board, as it is now at a point where it will not allow for the updating of it’s firmware.

It’s no different than most modern cellphones. They go about a few years, then you are pretty much forced into having to upgrade them as they will no longer support the updates from their perspective manufacturers.

I am looking hard into seeing if we can obtain a Behringer X32 Console.

Re-Thinking Our Streaming Output

As many of you know, for the past couple of years we have been delivering our content to both Facebook and YouTube.

This became a huge necessity as a result of the Pandemic.

However, we have had a huge success with it and have not only been able to deliver our ministry content to our local congregants, but around the world.

We are carrying out the great commission.

But yet, as times continue to change in how things are delivered and the restrictions being placed onto churches from so many platforms, it is becoming clearer and clearer that we now need to explore more avenues in order to continue this ministry of digital content.

Isn’t It Time For Us To Have Our Own TV Channel?

I would be safe to say that with so many people now having Smart TV’s and additional streaming devices such as Roku, that now would be an opportune time to start examining the possibilities of CMBC having our very own channel on Roku. Obviously, this is merely being explored at this time.

Not only must we focus on ensuring we have access to the best technology, but we are required to do so in a responsible economic fashion.

We utilize a lot of tools, which require a monthly or annual subscription to utilize them. Some of these take us into several hundreds of dollars per year.

That being said, we are always looking for ways that we can expand our digital ministry, but at the same time find and deploy ways that help us trim up the budget a bit.

Digital Welcoming Signs

Another area being look at is having digital welcoming signs inside of the foyer.

Many churches are relying upon digital signage to help direct visitor’s to the various areas within the church, as well as display upcoming events that may capture that attention.

I can assure you of this, nothing attracts younger folks than a church that they can obviously see is keeping up with technology.

While some of the older generation may not see this as a necessity, take time and go visit another church and see how and why they are insisting on keeping up with technology.

It’s not just about the glitz, it’s about communicating with people in a way that appeals to them that they are already familiar with.

You see digital signage everywhere you go today. Just look up when you go to your doctor’s office, or dentist, and even the Emergency Room’s now have digital signage.

It’s a highly effective way of communicating your message to those as soon as they enter through the doorway. In addition, it ensures they see the message in the event that there are not live human beings immediately available to assist them.

Stay Tuned

We encourage you to come back here and check out what’s new in the tech world here at CMBC and the things that your tech team is working on to ensure that we can continue to assist in growing the ministry at Crow Mountain Baptist Church.


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Adult Bible Study | 6:30 PM
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