Onging News

See what's new & happening with your CMBC Tech Team


Created by: Greg Hyatt
Submitted on: January 29, 2021

Every great website across the Interwebs requires constant updating. Ministry websites are certainly no different. Welcome to MYCMBC Version 3.0……

We are looking to streamline our online presence in a more pleasing and engaging way. We want to bring forth the very best that our ministry has to offer both our members, as well as those who visit with us online and in person.

As you begin navigating your way around the new website design, you will notice that we have changed up the color palette a bit. We wanted to provided a softer blend of colors and utilize sharper fonts that make reading the content easier and more enjoyable.

Future Goals

As always, we are always going to be on the lookout for those who are willing to submit articles to the website. A website isn’t just a collection of images and a few words, but rather engaging content that is provided by the very people who attend our church.

I’m not looking for English teacher’s here, but rather people who want to have a voice to share their personal passion for Jesus, and to provide others with inspiring articles that bring them hope and encouragement. Will you be that person?

Let Us Know Your Interested

Please take time to complete the form below if you are interested in becoming a contributor to our ministry website.

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Times & Location

Sunday's Schedule
Adult Sunday School | 9:45 AM
Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:45 AM
College & Careers | 9:45 AM
Teen Fusion | 9:45 AM
Morning Worship | 10:45 AM
Eve Bible Study | 6:00 PM
Wednesday Evening
Kid's Bible Club | 6:00 PM
Teen Fusion Youth | 6:30 PM
College & Careers | 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study | 6:30 PM
Times and Location