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Ongoing Updates

Ongoing Updates

Created by: Greg Hyatt
Submitted on: September 18, 2021

As with any quality website, there are always going to be ongoing updates.

Having and maintaining a quality ministry website is about its evolution.

For those who have been around here at CMBC long enough remembers what the very first website looked like.

We certainly have come a long way since its inception and will continue to provide ongoing updates in order to ensure that our ministry website provides the level of features needed.

Now that you’re aware of the fact of we are always on the move to keep our website updated, let’s take a brief look at exactly why this is necessary.

How Does An Outdate Website Hurt Your Ministry?

At the very top of the list is whether or not it is mobile friendly.

Nearly 90% of all searches and online engagements are performed from smartphones.

Furthermore, is how easy is it to use.

You can have the best content, beautiful imagery, sleek design, but if it is hard to navigate or difficult to find what you are looking for, then it really doesn’t matter.

Having A Secure Website

For those who are a bit more tech savvy when it comes to the Internet, you’ll notice that in the web address bar there is something that looks like a padlock.

This is what is known as SSL (Secure Socket Layer).

Basically it means that the site you are visiting is secure and that any information you may place on it such as contact information via a form, is safe and that someone isn’t trying to hack your information.

This especially is crucial if your ministry is doing any kind of online donations.

Not Visually Engaging

Let’s face it, the one thing that gets people to click on anything is a quality image that sparks your interest.

Rarely does anyone interact on a website that is a “text only” website. It’s just plain and boring.

After all, isn’t that usually what gets you to click on something when you are on Facebook or Instagram?

While we are working on trying to work in more images of folks that are actually in our congregation we, also, utilize stock photography that helps to drive the point home.

What Attracts People To Our Website?

It basically comes down to having engaging and useful content. At the current moment, the vast majority of our content comes in the way of our audio podcast.

However, I am on the search for people who are willing to contribute articles on a weekly basis. The more fresh content we have, the more people who will actively engage with us.

It’s a proven fact that people will engage will you several times via your website or social media platforms before they make a conscious decision to visit in person.

Ongoing Updates – Our New Mission Field

With people trying to recover from the whole CV-19 issues and not being sure of what the future holds, more and more people turn to online resources to obtain their information.

Having an amazing online presence is our new mission field. Sure, we still have things to do as a local body of believers around our community, however, being able to have more of an outreach is going to take dedication to providing quality online content that is available for them to read.

Images like this are seen in communities everywhere. Just because you see a person in this mode doesn’t mean they are a drunk, or suffer from addiction.

With us still being stuck in a weird state of uncertainty, loss of jobs, loss of family, images such as this are becoming more and more frequent.

Getting back into the whole issue about the use of smartphones, people turn to online platforms searching for help and assistance.

If they are unable to find it, in short we have failed them.

It is a part of our responsibility to reach as many as people as possible to show them the light of Jesus. Having an amazing website that is full of content, is a sure fire way to get them on the right direction.

Our Ongoing Website Ministry Goals

Needless to say, I would love to see five to ten new articles going up every week, in addition to our weekly podcast post(s).

Sounds like a lot, but believe me when I say the dividends that it would provide would well surpass the time and effort it takes to put them together.

I know for a fact that we have several people within our ministry who are not serving in any specific capacity or that feel that have something more to share.

Becoming a contributor on the ministry website of Crow Mountain Baptist Church would be a great way for you to have your voice reach the masses.

You never know, the very article you share may be the one that has an impact on someone’s life and assist in bringing them to Jesus.


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Adult Sunday School | 9:45 AM
Children & Youth Sunday School | 9:45 AM
College & Careers | 9:45 AM
Teen Fusion | 9:45 AM
Morning Worship | 10:45 AM
Eve Bible Study | 6:00 PM
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Kid's Bible Club | 6:00 PM
Teen Fusion Youth | 6:30 PM
College & Careers | 6:30 PM
Adult Bible Study | 6:30 PM
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